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  • Vialling
    Unlike fun runs, healing your teammates is essential to leeches. Vialling is required in leeches on rounds where the client is healer in order to hit the point target, vialling refers to the healing of your teammates, and you should be using all 4 doses of your healing vial if possible. There are two options on when to vial, you can vial on waves 1 and 2 or waves 8 and 9. In trials vialling is required on waves 8 & 9, which is also the classic option in leeches too. Once ranked if the collector (and/or defender) bring divine potions to lower their hit-points on waves 1 and 2 you can vial then instead of 8-9 to speed up the later rounds. The codes for vialling 1-2 are different to normal to finish at the same time since you’ll lose time from filling your vial. On waves 8 and 9 the codes don’t change and the collector and attacker should come east during the 3rd call for you to vial them so you can finish the healers faster. When vialling on waves 8 and 9 you should fill your vial before restocking and it's important that when you restock, you account for the extra time it takes to vial your team-mates. In general you should be finishing all of the called food in your inventory, you can choose to use all of the food and then vial the attacker and collector while the least healers are ticking down, or if the attacker and collector are still east, you can leave one healer at low health and finish it off during the 4th call after you have finished vialling. It's important to vial as much of your team's hit-points as possible, so make sure that if you are going to finish before the attacker and defender, you are able to vial them sufficently before the wave end. Although uncommon with experienced solo attackers, if you notice the Attacker has very low hitpoints on waves 8 & 9 or another member of the team is low health, poisoned and is likely to die then you should also fill your vial and heal them, even if it's not a heal round. It's faster to fill a vial than to reset a wave.
  • Wave overviews
    Wave 1: 30s end - optional bump first runner if it’s east. Wave 2: <42s end Block the last runner- optional bump first runner if it’s east. Wave 3: 24s reserve <42s end block the last runner - optional bump first runner if it’s east. Wave 4: <48s end - trap the reserve healer - optional block the 24s runner from going west. Wave 5: Trap the reserve healer Wave 6: Restock after the first call. Wave 7: Regular / single overstock: 2nd call target first 2 healers (if applicable) to force out reserve spawns on time repoison anything ticking a 3. Restock after the 2nd reserve spawns. Double overstock - restock after first call. Wave 8: Guess the food on the 30s healer spawn. 2nd call target first 2 healers (if applicable) to force out reserve spawns on time repoison anything ticking a 3. Restock after poisoning the last 2nd call reserve spawn. Fill vial before restocking if applicable. Wave 9: Guess the food on the 30s healer spawn. 2nd call target first 2 healers to force out reserve spawns on time. Repoison anything ticking a 3. Restock after the first reserve spawns. Fill vial before restocking if applicable. Wave 10: Same as 7. When restocking, take one of each of the potential 3rd called food before stocking continuing to stock the called food.
  • Wave 1
    Standard {30} 1-1 or 2-2 Vial round {30} 3-5 v-3-v-5-v-v(29)[30] N: Fill the vial then run up to heal the collector who should be west luring the healers. Use 3 food on the first healer that should be positioned in the tile north of you, heal the collector again and use 5 food on the second healer before healing the collector another 2 times, be careful not to vial too early. It can also be useful to give the defender a divine potion if you're worried the collector won't finish all 14 doses (3 and a half pots) by 30 seconds.
  • Wave 2
    Option 1: {30} 2(15)-2-4 - Block the last runner N: [makes forcing wave end easier for attacker] Option 2: {36} 1-1-3 - Block the last runner Vial round {36} 1-2-3 v-1-2-3-v-v-v N: Similar strategy to wave 1, vial the collector then poison the healers and come back to finish the last 3 doses on the collector. You have plenty of time on wave 2 waiting for the attacker/defender to finish, if you get to a healer late just use an extra food on it. Again, make sure to not vial the collector too early with the last dose every dose you use should heal 35hp. - For a video on early wave vialling see wave 1 vial, it is the same process but you have more time so focus on poisoning the healers vialling once before coming back.
  • Wave 3
    Regular R - 24 {42} 1-6[24]-1/2 // Block last 2 runners then - 3 food on reserve healer
  • Wave 4
    Option 1: Regular R - 36 {48} 1-4-3 // 0-0-0-7 N: Attackers will rarely get a 42 unless they have insane RNG so 48 finish is fine. You can run to block the 24s runner (30s if late) spawn from going west after poisoning the 3rd healer and make it back in time to trap the 36s reserve healer spawn. Option 2: (Meat call no alch) R - 30 {42} 1-5-2(21) // 1-0-1-7[33] N: use 7 food on the reserve healer then repoison the 1st and 3rd healer. If you position yourself 1 square diagonally to the south east of healer spawn and wait 1 tick after it spawns before poisoning the reserve healer, if that healer is on the defender you will trap the healer. Only use this code if it’s a meat call and you haven’t alched horn. If it’s worms, tofu first call or you alch the horn on a meat call use the code below. Option 3: Alch horn/tofu worm call R - 30 {42} Alch horn 2-5-2(21) // 0-0-1-7[33] N: use 7 food on the reserve healer then repoison the 3rd healer. If you position yourself 1 square diagonally to the south east of healer spawn and wait 1 tick after it spawns before poisoning the reserve healer, if that healer is on the defender you will trap the healer. *If you're alching horn make sure to let the defender know. you can use this code if you have a tofu or worm call without alching horn. You need to alch horn to use this code consistently or else you’ll be short one food on a meat call you can use the code above instead.
  • Wave 5 - Regular Stock
    Option 1: R - 42 {57-60} 1-5-2-1 // 0-0-0-1-7 Option 2: R - 42 {57-60} 1-3(18)-2-2(27) // 0-0-0-0-7 N: Poison the 1st healer then use 2 food on the 2nd, repoison the 2nd after the 3rd spawns. Use 1 food on the 4th healer as soon as it spawns and wait until 27 seconds before repoisoning it again. Block the reserve the same as in wave 4 and spam down the last.
  • Wave 5 - Overstock
    Overstock option 1: R - 30 {54} 2-7-2(21)-1 // 0-0-0-2(48)-5[33] N - Use 2 food on the first healer then spam as many into the second as you can, poison the third healer as it spawns and go back to finish off the 2nd. Repoison the 3rd at 21 seconds or after the 4th has spawned depending on spread. You need to be ready to trap the reserve that spawns at 30 seconds and guess the food as it must be poisoned before 33, but you have 12 seconds to put 5 food into it before repoisoning the 4th healer twice. Overstock option 2: R - 36 {54} 2-5-2(21)-3(30) // 0-0-0-0-7 N - same thing can be done for the reserve healer as on wave 4 to trap it. If you miss the 30 repoison, then poison it again 2nd call and spam the last healer for 57 end. to hit the 30 repoison it is easier to predict healer movement when it is agro towards a runner or the defender or if it is trapped. After some practice you should hit the 30 repoison 90% of the time.
  • Wave 6
    Regular stock R- 48 54 {72} 4-2(18)-1/2-1 // Restock 0-0-1-1-6-9 N - Restock after first call by destroying all wrong food and then normal restock. Repoison the 3rd and 4th healers and then spam down the reserves, assuming you poison each one within 3 seconds of spawning then you need 6-9 for a 72 end. Single overstock: R - 42 48 {66-72} 3(18)-5-2(21)-2 // Restock 1x - 3x os 0-0-0-1-spam-spam // 0-0-0-0-spam-spam N - head toward dispenser after using the 2nd food on the 24 spawn which should be around 26-29 seconds. destroy all wrong 2nd call food, then either 1x or 2x right click stock followed by a left click stock. run up the east side of cannon and repoison the 4th healer once. spam the 42 spawn which should be lured at east wall and when the 48 comes down poison that asap, and then continue to lower both the 42 and 48 spawns equally. 3rd call you can guess the food instead of waiting for the defender to call to finish off the remaining healers. If you're not comfortable getting the 3x os off then just single or double for 66-72 end.
  • Wave 6 - Advanced
    Single overstock: R - 42 48 {60-66} 3(18)-5-2(24)-2 // Restock 3x os 0-0-0-1-spam-11 N - for this you want to repoison the 3rd healer at 24 and you should be heading back to dispenser before 28. you need to destroy all 2nd call wrong food, then 3x overstock stock and then 1x normal stock. Run up the east side of the cannon and poison the 4th healer which will be around 1/3 health, and then start to poison the 42 spawn at east wall which should be lured, you need tick perfect spam here and then when with good rng the 48 spawn should be on the defender, who should lure it so that it's positioned north of you. You need to poison this one as it's coming in to the lure position. If late to poison it you need to use 12 food on it instead of 11. after using 11/12 food on this healer continue to spam the 42 healer until it dies for a 60 end when done correctly. if your first healer wanders away from you, you can get a 60 by using 3 food on the 3rd healer, 1 on the 4th and then chase down the first healer to poison it 1-2 times depending on how many 3's it has ticked. from here stock the same, but when you come up you need to instead use 2 food on the 4th healer and then spam the last 2 healers the same. if last healer happens to be unlured and moving, do your best to lower both healers almost equally, and then on the 3rd call use the spare food on the higher healer. If you're not comfortable getting the 3x os off then just single or double for 66-72 end it’s usually safer to just aim for 66 and destroy all non call food then 1x manual stock and then regular stock. Double overstock: R - 42 48 {60} 3(18)-5-3-4 // Restock 0-0-0-0-10-12 N: The same as above but you won't need any repoisons so it's more consistent for 60/66 finish. As long as you're not losing ticks overstocking then this code is good because even if you can't get it off you can just revert to using the single overstock codes above and destroy extra food running back to the dispenser. You can 1-4x overstock on the restock depending on your spam ability but if you're attempting double overstocks you should be aiming for 60-66 finish. If you lose ticks stocking and poison the first healer after the 2nd healer has spawned then you'll need to use an extra food on it or else you'll have a 54 spawn.
  • Wave 7 - Regular stock
    Regular stock R - 42 48 60 {84} 2(21)-4/5(27)-1-1 // 1(33)-0/1-1(33)-1-4(45)-1 // Restock 0-0-0-0-0-3-12 N - If it was meat first call then you'll need to repoison the second healer but if it was tofu/worms you won't need to. The 1st and 2nd healer can't tick a 3 so make that your priority 2nd call. Repoison the third and fourth healer when they are tick a 3 at 39 and 45 seconds Poison the first reserve with 3 food, saving 2 food, 1 for the 2nd healer at 48 and then 1 to rp the 1st reserve again before restocking. Restock after poisoning the 48 reserve once and repoisoning the 42. Third call is entirely dependant on how much food you used on the last 2 reserves before restocking and the timing of your last poison of the 2nd reserve. If you're early to restock you can stock as you would on wave 10 see wave 10 notes or 1-2x overstock depending on the spread (2x os for 84). Even with a terrible spread this code should be 96 at most as long as the last healer is lured. Very consistent for wave 10 because of the later spawns for the defender. Optional: alch horn. Blue Whales' Wave 7 Meat Breakdown:
  • Wave 7 - Overstock
    Single overstock: R - 36 42 60 {84} 3(18-27)-7(21)-1-1 // 2[36-42]-0-1(33)[36]-1-2(45)-1 // 13-13 restock 0-0-0-0-0-1[72]-spam N - for this code, the first healer can be repoisoned on the first call anywhere from 18 up to 27, and depending on when you repoison it, you can poison it later in the second call, so if you poison at 18 you must repoison on the second call before 36 and so on. The third healer is very precise for the 60 spawn. 1(33)[36] means that it must be poisoned after 33 but before 36 in order to get the 60 reserve spawn, however if you're late or early to poison it and you get a 66 reserve spawn, it's not a big deal because you can still easily get 84 end. You should be going back to dispenser after you've repoisoned the first reserve after 45seconds and you will have spare time before the call changes, so you should destroy all the food you have but 3, then stock 2x of that food along with 3x of another food that is not the current call. For example if the current call is tofu, you should have 13 worms and 13 meat. If you're late to dispenser then 2x os.
  • Wave 7 - Advanced: Double Overstock
    Double overstock R - 42 48 54 {78} IF TOFU first call THEN: 3(21)-6-6-1 OR IF WORM/MEAT THEN: 3(21)-5(27)-6-1 // 0-0-0-1-2[48]-4-5 // N - You can change how many food you put on the reserves 2nd call depending on how late or early you are from stocking. To finish at 78 you need 5(63)-5(63)-7(63) on the last 3 healers along with poisoning the 18. This assumes you poison the 42s reserve before the 48s reserve spawns and that you poison the 48 & 54s reserves within 3 seconds of them spawning. The timing on the RP is unimportant and you can usually leave it until the 3rd call. Assuming you use all the 2nd call food you will have 1 extra food so after lowering them all equally, you can use the extra food on the 42 or 48 healer if you were late to poison it to prevent a 79 end. After first call is complete, head to dispenser, if you messed up first call you can stay to correct it as long as you do so before 33 seconds. On the way to dispenser destroy all wrong 2nd call food and then left click dispenser. Run up the east side of cannon and repoison the 4th healer once, then poison the 42 healer. Run up and trap the 48 healer while poisoning it 5 times, after this let the healer go south and then repeat with the 54 healer. Once done run to the 42 healer and 1 tick after the call changes, guess the next call on the 42 healer by using both food on it ASAP. Continue to lower all 3 healers equally and make sure they don't tick any 3's. If the spread doesn't allow you to get off the first call, you can stay for the second call and restock after poisoning the 42-48 reserves. The latest you can repoison the 6s healer is 38 and the latest you can reooison the 12s healer is 32s. The goal of the code is that the 12s Healer dies at 42 the 18s healer dies at 48 and the 6s healer dies at 54. The 12s healer cannot tick 3s or it requires an additional food.The 6s healer poison is different to the others and is dependant on when you apply the poison. If your stock is tick perfect aka if you're the poison hitspat occurs the same tick the 12s healer spawns then the rp timing is 21s otherwise it is after the poison tick usually at 22s. If you're late to poison the 6s healer the RP timing becomes 3 (24.6+) depending on how late you are. If you're tick perfect you can also do 2(27) on the first healer. For more information on double overstock 7:Spreadmyseed's Double overstock w7 guide.
  • Wave 8 - Regular stock
    Regular stock: R - 42 66 {84/90-90v/96v} 1-5/6-1-1 // 1-1/2[42]-1-1-1-2-1 Restock 0-0-0-0-x-x-spam N- Save the last food of the 1st call to repoison the 2nd healer after the 4th spawns at 24seconds to give yourself more time to repoison it during the second. Poison the 5th healer as it spawns at 30 seconds by guessing food and then repoison the 1st healer asap followed by the 2nd healer: it needs 7 food total to spawn at 42 seconds so if it's meat first call it'll need 2 food 2nd call. Repoison any of the other healers ticking a 3 asap and poison the 42 reserve as it spawns, repoison the 30s healer before restocking. You can choose how you stock depending on if you're vialling, relures, spread and your repoisons. If you're starting out or the spread was bad 1x overstock, but 2-3x overstock if you're confident with your spam.
  • Wave 8 - Overstock
    Single Overstock Option 1: R - 36 66 {84-90v} 1-9-1-1 // 1-0-1-1(33)-2(42)-2 // Restock 2x os for 84 1-15 N - very simple code for an overstock code but requires decent spam and positioning to minimise the 2nd healer going to narnia, it helps to pin the 2nd healer against the wall to get as much food into it before the 3rd arrives then you can continue to get the rest of the food into it between poisoning the spawns. Second call poison the 30 spawn then the 1st healer, repoison the others if they are ticking a 3. Use 2 food on the first reserve and then repoison the 30 spawn at 42seconds before restocking. This code is great for vial rounds because of the extra time you have to restock and fill vial but there is a bit of wasted time waiting around if not vialling. Fill vial first then restock on the call change repoison the 1st reserve and spam down the last - you need to double overstock for 84 but 90/96 on vial rounds is more likely. The other benefit of this is that the defender should always be able to hit the last lure easily with a 66 spawn. No Vial Example: Vial example: Single Overstock Option 2: R - 42 48 {78-84-90v} 3(21)-7(24)-1-1 // 2-0-1(30)-1(36)-1-1-1 // Restock 13/13 2-5-6 N - This is a very easy and simple code, however it's more dependant upon the defender to lure and split the healers, since all the healers are relures. With very precise coding you can get 78 end, but most of the time it will end at 81-84. To restock you should goto the dispenser and destroy all but 3 food, then 2x stock that food and 3x stock the other possible next call food, for example if the current call is tofu, you should have 13 worms and meat. For an extra food you can alch your horn using explorer's ring or destroy the vial if it’s not a vial round and destroy all but 4 food instead of 3 and then 13/13 stock. If it’s a vial round, poison the 48 spawn and go to the pool to get the vial, and instead of guessing the next call, you should just destroy all food and 1x overstock, run up and poison the healers and then continue to vial. you could still get an 84 but chances are you will get 87-90. Note poison the 1st healer after 21 seconds - the first healer can't tick a 3 or you'll have a late spawn otherwise so if you poison it before 21 then it needs to be repoisoned before 36seconds. Second call repoison anything ticking a 3 and restock after the 2nd reserve at 48 you should be finishing restocking 13/13 as the call changes. ~~ Advanced ~~Extra for the pros 78s finish:For 78 during the 2nd call Repoisons can only tick a 3s once and the first 2 healers can't tick a 3 at all. On the 3rd call you must get back by 66 to poison/repoison healers before 69 seconds.3rd call: 2[69]-5-6[69] Optional option 1: You can alch horn and destroy the vial for 3[69]-5[75]-6[75] or Optional option 2: you can alch horn at the start of the wave, if it's tofu first call, you'll have an extra food to repoison the first healer saving you a food during the second call or if it's tofu second call you'll also have a spare food to repoison the 5th healer that spawns at 30 for 1[78]-5[75]-6[75]
  • Wave 9 - Regular stock
    Option 1: Regular stock R - 48 66 {96-102v} 2-4/5-1-1 // 1-3/2(33)-1-1-1-1-1 Restock 0-0-0-0-x-2-3-spam N: Save 2 food to repoison the first two healers as late as you can in the first call to give you more time in the second call after guessing food to poison the 30 & 36 spawns. You can choose how you stock on wave 9 depending on whether you're vialling, the relures, spread and your repoisons. Wave 9 can get pretty messy with repoisons so if you're starting out or the spread was bad 1x overstock, but you can 2-3x overstock if you're confident, finish the 3rd call food before you vial then finish the remaining healers. Option 2: Regular stock R - 48 66 {96-102v} 1-5/6-1-1 // 2-1/2(33)-1-1-1-1-1 Restock 0-0-0-0-x-2-3-spam N: Almost the same as Reg 8 except the last food on the 2nd healer must be after 33 seconds and you'll have a 48 spawn instead of a 42. The first healer requires 3 food for 66 spawn. Guess food at 30s to poison the 5th healer asap, target the 1st and second healer then repoison anything ticking a 3 during second call if you have a spare food use it on the 6th (36s) healer before you restock. You can choose how you stock on wave 9 depending on whether you're vialling, the relures, spread and your repoisons. Wave 9 can get pretty messy with repoisons so if you're starting out or the spread was bad 1x overstock, but you can 2-3x overstock if you're confident, finish the 3rd call food before you vial then finish the remaining healers.
  • Wave 9 - Overstock
    Single overstock R 48-66 {90/96-102v} 2-8(21)-1-1 // 1(33)-0-1(33)-1(39)-2(45)-1-1 // Restock 2x-3x os 1-2-3-12 N: You can use 2 food on the first healer straight away or repoison it later in the first call to give you more time during the second call. Dump as much food as you can into the second healer and go back to repoison it with the rest of the food after the 3rd and 4th healer spawn then stand by the healer spawn to poison the 30 as it spawns by guessing the food. Repoison the first healer after 33 seconds and the 36 healer as it spawns, then repoison anything ticking a 3 and restock after poisoning the first reserve at 48. If you're vialling fill your vial first then restock, make sure to use all your food for the call before vialling the collector and attacker unless they are at risk of death then finish off the healers 4th call. 2x os is more consistent for 96-99 finish but you can 3x-4x overstock if you're confident you can get it all off for a 90-93 finish. No vial example: Vial Example:
  • Wave 10 - Regular stock
    Regular stock R - 42 48 60 {84} 2(21)-4/5(27)-1-1 // 1(33)-0/1-1(33)-1-4(45)-1 // Restock0-0-0-0-0-3-12 N - The same code as 7 but because the healer and runner caves are switched around try to stand east of the healer cave to help prevent the healers from wandering west. If it was meat first call then you'll need to repoison the second healer but if it was tofu/worms you won't need to. The 1st and 2nd healer can't tick a 3 so make that your priority 2nd call. Repoison the third and fourth healer when they are tick a 3 at 39 and 45 seconds. Poison the first reserve with 3 food, saving 2 food, 1 for the 2nd healer at 48 and then 1 to rp the 1st reserve again before restocking. If the reserves are lured to the defender you can body block the 1st reserve until the 2nd comes out to give the defender more time: to do this stand south east of the healer spawn. Restock after poisoning the 48 reserve once and repoisoning the 42 reserve again on your way to stocking. Third call is entirely dependant on the cannon but you should have reds in most cases. Even with a terrible spread this code should be 90 at most as long as the last healers are lured. Very consistent for wave 10 because of the later spawns for the defender. Optional: alch horn. Restocking should be done by stocking 1x of each possible food for the 3rd call and waiting for the defender to call, then stock that food and proceed to the cannon where the lured healers should be, for example if it's a meat call 2nd call stock tofu and worms then wait for the call, continue stocking what's called. If you're late to stock then you can just 2x overstock.
  • Wave 10 - Overstock
    Single overstock: R - 36 48 60 {78} 3(18-27)-7(21)-1-1 // 1[36-42]-0-1(33)[36]-1-2(51)-2 // Restock 0-0-0-0-0-3-spam N - First call is the same as wave 7 overstock, the second call is similar to wave 7 where you repoison the 3rd and 4th as they tick 3s but on 10 you only need to repoison the 1st healer once as you’ll want a later 48 spawn instead of 42 so you can repoison the 36 reserve again after 51s, so use 2 food on 48 reserve then repoison the 36 on your way to stock. When restocking you should stock 1x of each possible food for the 3rd call and wait for the defender to call, then stock continue to stock the food and proceed to the cannon where the lured healers should be, for example if it's a meat call 2nd call stock tofu and worms then wait for the call, continue stocking what's called. Without eggs you’ll need 11-13 food for 78, but most likely you’ll end up with 81-84. You can also use 3 food on the 36s healer and only rp the 48 once to stock earlier, the 48 reserve will need 4 food instead of 3 for 78 end in this case Restocking for 78 finish: restock 10-10 of the 2 possible food for the next call and wait for the call before stocking what's called. This will give you 15 of the called food. Double overstock: It’s not recommended to double os 10 in leeches due to the extra distance required to run and the availability of red eggs giving you the ability to get 78 with single os. If you do, the code is the same as 7 however you should use 3 food on the 4th healer before restocking.
  • Recommendations
    What codes to use: If you're a complete beginner to healer then start off with the regular codes above, after mastering the technique and spacing aspects of codes then you can move onto overstock codes if you wish. You can easily pass a trial with well applied regular codes. If you think you're ready for overstock and you have decent mouse accuracy then you can start with applying overstock codes on waves 5, 6, 8 (recommended 1-9-1-1) & 9. If you're switching to overstock then these codes should be practiced first to ensure you can apply them correctly before attempting them in paid runs. Waves 6, 8 and 9 are where you will benefit the most from overstock codes. Certain overstock codes will allow for easier second and third calls however they are only worth using if you can consistently get the first call codes off. Recommended codes The following codes are certainly not required to pass a trial. They are chosen because of the spawn times, ease of application and their consistency to execute satisfactory times. You can choose to experiment with other codes or more advanced codes if you feel comfortable. Regular stock: Waves 1-4 1-2 1-2-3 - Block the last runner 1-6[24]-1/2 // Block last runner then - 3 food on reserve healer 1-4-3 // Spam Regular: Wave 5 1-5-2-1 // 0-0-0-1-7 Overstock: Wave 6 3(18)-5-2(21)-2 // Restock 1x - 3x os 0-0-0-1-spam-spam // 0-0-0-0-spam-spam Regular stock: Wave 7 2(21)-4/5(27)-1-1 // 1-0/1(33)-1(39)-1(45)-4(48)-1 //Restock0-0-0-0-0-x-12 Overstock: Wave 8 1-9-1-1 // 1-0-1-1(33)-2(42)-2 // Restock 2x os 1-15 Overstock: Wave 9 2-8(21)-1-1 // 1(33)-0-1(33)-1(39)-2(45)-1-1 // Restock 2x-3x os 1-2-3-12 Regular stock: Wave 10 2(21)-4/5(27)-1-1 // 1-0/1(33)-1(39)-1(45)-4(48)-1 //Restock0-0-0-0-0-x-12
  • Ready to Trial?
    Am I ready to trial?: Familiarise yourself with the wave overviews and the technique aspects of our healer guide, to ensure you know what the key points are for each wave in a leeching scenario. Then make yourself familiar with the reserve spawns and wave end times. In general if the reserve spawns are at the time they are expected to be then this is a good indication that you are applying codes properly. If you can get consistent reserves, repoison healers ticking 3s during the second call on later waves and can come within the expected wave end times you're ready to trial and stand a good chance of passing.

Healer Wave Times

Note: These are theoretical wave end times, taken from when the last healer dies without forcing. These times assume no eggs or call extensions are being used. 75s is added for the Queen Kill and Lobby time.  Faster Times by YOLO stocks have been excluded such as 48 wave 5 and 72 wave 7.

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