BA Boosts' Service, Pricing & Priority tiers
AFK Barbarian Assault boosting clan in Oldschool Runescape.
We guarantee that we will get you the points required! - If it's needed we will run extra cleanup rounds at no extra cost. If you're going for a torso or items DO NOT level up between waves, this will be at your own cost, but don't worry you will be briefed on this before your run commences. NOTE: Bronze & Silver pricing requires 21+ hit-points, only gold is available if you have 10-20 hit-points due to the excess resets.

Level 5 roles will be done in 3 sessions of 4/4/5-6 queen kills. After each level 5 you will be placed on cool down while we run other clients. Cooldown length is dependant on priority. For bronze it's 6 hours from completion of a role unless there is no queue. Silver has a 2 hourcool down and Gold has no cooldown.
Priority information.
The higher your priority, the faster your team will form.

How does our priority system work?
Simply put, you gain priority over time. With the higher priority tiers, you'll get a higher starting priority in the queue & you'll also benefit from faster priority gain rate. So the higher your priority the faster you'll get your team.
What differentiates our version of a priority system is that your priority gain will continue to increase to a point where you will be at the top of the queue regardless of the tier you choose. This is our way to fairly balance between those who want a faster service, without neglecting those who still join our regular queue. Regardless of your tier, your time in the queue will mean something. This entire process is automated by our custom queue & discord bots so just sit back & play the game until your team is ready. If you're wanting to check the queue to see which option is best for you then you can view our live queue here.
Generally speaking:
Bronze is our base queue.
Silver will skip days of the bronze queue and in most circumstances will put you ahead of all bronze orders.
Gold is our highest priority option and will place you at the top of the queue.
Got points already? Receive a refund of 10% of the queen kill cost for each wave that's not needed!

MOST POPULAR: Fighter Torso
Approximately 1 Hour